Functional Workout
Here is a simple functional exercise routine that requires minimal space and no equipment at all.
NB!! This simple routine should be performed only if you are injury-free. If unsure, consult your physician.
Functional Workout
Knee Highs x 50 (Warm Up)
While jumping, ensure your knees are raised as high as your belly button (or higher)
Targets almost every muscle group
Squat Jumps x 10 reps
Targets quads and glutes
Stationary Inchworm x 10 reps
Keep your knees straight throughout the exercise.
Walk your hands forward until you in the plank position. Once there, walk your hands back to the starting position. Repeat.
Targets abdominals, biceps, shoulders & pectorals.
Mountain Climber x 10 reps
Engage your core in order to maintain a straight posture throughout the exercise
Targets almost every muscle group
Push Ups x 10 reps
- If unable to perform this standard push up, try easier variations such as wall push ups or modified push ups (on your knees)
Targets triceps, pectorals, deltoids & abdominals
Spiderman Lunges x 10 reps
Engage your core in order to maintain a straight posture
Targets quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back
Now for the fun part!
Stretching is vital after any training for the muscles to maintain elasticity and form.
Additional Information
Novice strength, repeat the routine 3 times before stretching.
Intermediate strength, perform each exercise for 30 seconds each and repeat the routine 4 times before stretching.
Advanced strength, perform each exercise for 1min each and repeat the routine 5 times before stretching.
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